
Oso Cloud is an authorization system; its purpose is to allow you to selectively control access to certain application resources. In this document, we’ll explore the basic concepts that Oso Cloud uses to help you accomplish this goal.


Actions are the verbs of authorization queries. They distinguish between different kinds of queries for a given resource by indicating what the actor is attempting to do. For a web application, the action might be an HTTP request method like GET or POST.

In Oso Cloud, actions are strings. For example: "view", "create", "PATCH", etc.


Actors are the subjects of authorization queries. Actors will often be application end-users, but could also represent service users, API clients, or other internal systems. They may be represented by simple strings such as usernames or email addresses, or by a structured identity token like a JWT.

In Oso Cloud, actors are identified by a pair of strings: Type & ID. For example:



Oso Cloud represents data as facts. Facts are a flexible data model for representing any authorization-relevant data in an application.

An Oso Cloud fact consists of a name and multiple arguments

They consist of a name and arguments. Each argument either references a resource in the application (by its type and identifier), or a literal value, such as a string.

Facts are provided for authorization in one of two ways:

  • Storing them in Oso Cloud using the tell API, or
  • Sending Context Facts along with Check API calls.

Context Facts

Context facts are a type of fact that is not stored in Oso Cloud. Context facts only affect the API call they're sent with, and they do not persist across requests. Any number of context facts can be sent with a request to a Check API (authorize, query, list, etc.).

For more details, see Context Facts.


Oso evaluates queries using authorization logic contained in policies. Policies are written as code in a configuration language called Polar. Polar is designed to provide a simple but expressive syntax for authorization logic.

Policies are stored in Polar files (with the .polar extension) and uploaded to Oso Cloud using the CLI. Once loaded, policies are used to evaluate authorization queries.

Policies are made up of resource blocks and rules.


In Oso Cloud, an authorization query takes the form:

May actor perform action on resource?

Queries are made using the Check API.

Reverse indexing

Reverse indexing is the ability to return all resources a user can access or all users who can access a given resource. It's a core concept of Zanzibar. In Oso Cloud, reverse indexing is called list filtering. Instead of determining whether a particular actor (e.g., a user) has access to a specific resource, reverse indexing answers questions like:

What resources does this actor have access to? Which users have permission to perform a specific action on this resource?

This capability is essential for applications that need to list all resources accessible to a user (e.g., documents, tasks, or projects) or identify all users with specific privileges on a resource.


Resources are the objects of authorization queries. They represent the application components that we wish to protect.

In Oso Cloud, resources are identified by a pair of strings: Type & ID. For example:


Resource blocks

Resource blocks are shorthand syntax for grouping authorization logic pertaining to a particular type of resource. Consider the following resource block for the Organization type:

resource Organization {
roles = ["member", "owner"];
permissions = ["view", "invite"];
"view" if "member";
"invite" if "owner";
"member" if "owner";

The above resource block declares that actors can have two different roles on an organization, "member" and "owner"; that members are allowed to "view" the organization and owners allowed to "invite" to it; and that owners are allowed to do anything that members are allowed to do.


The other policy building block is a rule. A rule is a statement that can evaluate to true or false. In Oso Cloud, one such rule is distinguished and used to drive the authorization decision: the allow rule.

A basic allow rule has the form:

allow(actor, action, resource) if conditions;

We can read this as:

actor may perform action on resource if conditions hold

When we make an authorization query via one of the Check API methods, Oso Cloud decides whether the query is allowed or denied by matching the supplied actor, action, and resource arguments with the parameters of allow rules specified in the policy.

Authorization logic

Authorization logic is the set of rules that determine who can access what resources and perform which actions within a system.

Authorization logic vs application logic

Oso distinguishes between authorization logic and application/business logic to help developers determine how to structure their logic effectively. Separating these concerns ensures that business rules remain independent of access control decisions.

The distinction we make is explained below:

  • Authorization logic: Determines who can do what in an application. In Oso terms, it defines which actors are allowed to perform specific actions on particular resources.
  • Application logic: Governs valid operations based on system state.

Let's consider a use case for an e-commerce marketplace:

Authorization logic would determine whether a specific user is allowed to perform an action based on their relationship to the order.

For example:

  • Only the order owner or an admin can update an order.

Application/business logic would enforce valid state transitions for orders, independent of the user performing the action. This logic pertains only to the state of the order.

For example:

  • An order can only be fulfilled if it has been accepted.
  • An order can only be shipped if it has been fulfilled.
  • An order can only be delivered if it has been shipped.
  • A user can only cancel an order if it has not been shipped yet.

Local Authorization

Local Authorization lets you apply your application data to authorization decisions without synchronizing it to Oso Cloud. Instead, you distribute authorization decisions between the Oso Cloud service and the Oso Cloud client in your application.

Oso enables Local Authorization by generating SQL queries based on your database schema, allowing it to enforce authorization decisions without directly reading the data.


  • In Oso, authorization begins with a query, which is evaluated against a policy written in the Polar language.
  • Policies are made up of resource blocks and rules, and allow rules are the entrypoint for queries made via the Check API.

Talk to an Oso engineer

If you'd like to learn more about using Oso Cloud in your app or have any questions about this guide, connect with us on Slack. We're happy to help.

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